I'm Shakiyla Sincere, and I'm in the business of challenging inequity wherever I find it. I love captivating conversations, cultivating change, and creative community building. I am almost always smiling :)
I'm Shakiyla Sincere, and I'm in the business of challenging inequity wherever I find it. I love captivating conversations, cultivating change, and creative community building. I am almost always smiling :)
I'm Shakiyla Sincere and I'm in the business of challenging inequity wherever I find it.
--Jennifer Lewis
Born in Berlin, Germany, raised in an Army home, and currently residing just outside the DC Metro Area, I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology & a Bachelor of Arts Degree in the Administration of Justice from the illustrious Howard University. I also hold a Master of Science Degree in Forensic Science (concentration in Psychiatry & Jurisprudence) from Syracuse University & I'm currently completing work on my PhD in Conflict Analysis & Resolution at George Mason University.
In an effort to curb racial bias in community policing, my research is focused on developing an intergroup dialogue-based intercultural competence training that hopefully becomes a national standard for law enforcement officers. Having gone to an HBCU (Historically Black College/University) as an undergraduate and transitioned to a PWI (Predominately White Institution) for graduate school, I noticed a desperate need for education around differing racial realities. At that time I made to choice to develop resources, trainings, and experiences that would help people connect over difference.
With my time in the field of Student Affairs, in various Residence Life positions, I have sought to help students actualize their full potential personally, academically, and socially. I have facilitated a number of workshops, trainings, and courses on the subjects of student leadership, professional development, and race relations. I take special interest in diversity and inclusion efforts and strive to cultivate environments that are welcoming and supportive for those who experience oppression. For me, this sentiment extends beyond the students I affect to the greater world.
I have developed an online course to help folks explore their own ideas about racism and oppression in America and get the tools necessary to begin having critical conversations about inequity in our society. My “I.C.A.N.T to I.C.A.N.N” approach to race-based conversation is one of a kind and has been effective in encouraging participants to use the power of narrative to expose and eliminate racism within their spheres of influence.
When I'm not binge-watching trash TV shows, cooking tasty food, or writing spec scripts no one will ever read, I like to travel and spend time with friends and family. I am currently the University Life/Residence Life Coordinator for the Smithsonian Mason School of Conservation at George Mason University. A quote that reflects my professional mantra (and overall being, to be honest) is a quote by Audre Lorde:
Feel free to email me at hello@shakiyladsincere.com or click HERE to see what services I offer.
People who are especially talented in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.
People who are especially talented in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They don't enjoy conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement.
People who are especially talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.
People who are especially talented in the Maximizer theme focus on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence. They seek to transform something strong into something superb.
People who are especially talented in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.